As aforementioned in both the note-taking and captioning modules, transcripts and notes are distinctly separate. Some of you may be assigned to take notes and caption for one particular class, that means you'll be doing two different jobs.
Here are some examples of related sections of transcripts and notes for the same classes. In this case, the assigned SPs were required to provide both services for those particular sessions.
Here are some examples of related sections of transcripts and notes for the same classes. In this case, the assigned SPs were required to provide both services for those particular sessions.
The transcripts are indicated on the left hand side (purple section) and the notes are indicated on the right hand side (black section).
Notice how the SPs summarize and paraphrase the concepts in their notes, where else the transcript documents the explanation in a more conversational and in-depth manner.
Notice how the SPs summarize and paraphrase the concepts in their notes, where else the transcript documents the explanation in a more conversational and in-depth manner.
- Remember, if you're an SP covering the same course for both services, you are not just copy and pasting information from the transcript to the notes.
- Headings are not typical in a transcript, you break up the content according to headings in the notes to make information easier to retrieve.
- If the subjects aren't spoken out loud in a session, they should not be included in the transcript. What you can do is include context but it should be enclosed between two squared brackets or double hyphens.
- E.g., --Professor referring to slide on isotopes--, [reference to isotopes]
- When you're working on the notes for a session you've captioned for, your job is to organize the information clearly so you can add headings based on what the content is referring to.
- If the subjects aren't spoken out loud in a session, they should not be included in the transcript. What you can do is include context but it should be enclosed between two squared brackets or double hyphens.
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